30 April 2011

April is adventure month

Today was quite the adventure. I got a random call from my brother at about 4:30 this afternoon. The day was already looking pretty bleak and I had nothing to do for the rest of the ensuing evening. He asked me if I wanted to go on a bike ride into San Francisco. Obviously, this seemed like nothing more than a few pedals and a subway ride, but then he added a twist. Instead of just going out for a simple journey to get dinner in the city, he wanted to make this a game. First with rules, then with goals, then with achievements. Definitely a good idea...

The rules demanded that we were to spend frugally, take pictures, and enjoy good quality beer (check, check, and check).
The goals of the evening were to get at least two phone numbers, have a stranger buy us beer, and get into some sort of mischief. Everybody starts somewhere, but at least the mischief was accomplished :-/
Achievements: get into the city and acquire our beer within 45 minutes. This one was tricky, but we managed to get our beer at exactly the 45-minute mark. SUCCESS!!
And for that, we earned ourselves another beer. All in all, this was a pretty damn good evening.

29 April 2011

Just to get things started...

I'm posting the background for this blog as a 1080p wallpaper for anyone interested. Enjoy!

Lots of Changes

So I decided that after a long stretch of uselessness, this blog needed to be reworked to fit what I'm currently doing. With all of my recent photography work, blogger is now the home of all my latest photo updates. I also have had a photo-a-day project going on, and this seems like the perfect spot for it. I'll post up new photos each day as I have done on other websites such as deviantARTFlickr, and Picasa.

Thanks for viewing, I'll have more to post up soon!